Install CloudDefense suite on a Kubernetes cluster
There are three main pre-requisites for a production grade cdefense installation on-premises
A managed Postgres instance (for AWS RDS db.r5.large)
enable automated backups
A kubernetes cluster (/examples/eks) with at least two nodegroups
node group for jobs
each node has { label: job }
node group for all else
(optional) each node has { label: cdefense }
A cluster auto-scaler
Install kafka
Download the kafka helm repo (bitnami)
(optional) create/edit
Install kafka helm
Install cdefense
add cdefense helm repo
update repos
clone the repo
create roles, role binding and service accounts
create secrets
Install cdefense helm
Configure Social Authentication
In order to sign in with different identity providers (for ex. github), create ID and secrets
create a New OAuth App
Homepage URL is the base_url
Authorization callback URL is https://{base_url}/auth/realms/cdefense/broker/github/endpoint
create secrets for authservice
create a secret for authservice
restart authservice pod
How to change location of logs
update value.yaml
in case of private bucket
Edit the scan-server-secrets.yaml file
or update secrets on cluster
encode values as base64 strings
edit scan-server-secrets
save and restart api pod
Last updated