Scan a Bitbucket repository
To integrate Bitbucket Repositories with Cloud Defense, please follow the mentioned guidelines.
Users must have an existing Bitbucket account, which requires: Bitbucket Credentials
Step 1: Select Bitbucket Repos Integration
Please select the Integration Page from your CloudDefense Dashboard and click on Bitbucket.
Step 2: Click Configure and connect the account
Once you are here, hit Configure.
Step 3: Scan "Bitbucket Repos"
Once you are done, please click "Scan Application."
Now you can see all of your Bitbucket Repos and start scanning as shown in the following screenshot.
How to integrate Bitbucket Server?
To integrate Bitbucket Server Repositories with Cloud Defense, please follow the mentioned guidelines.
Users must have an existing Bitbucket Server, which requires : Bitbucket server Credentials
Step 1: Select Bitbucket Server Integration from Source control
Please select the Integration Page from your CloudDefense Dashboard and click on Bitbucket Server
Step 2: Fill up your credentials in the input field
In the input field “Give the host link” you need to provide your server host link and from Bitbucket Server you will get your access token, you need to provide that in “Enter your access token”
-- How to give the host link?
Your bitbucket server link will be the host link for the input field. Here is a sample host link
-- How to get your access token?
After login to your Bitbucket server account, click on “Manage account” from your profile upper right side corner
For creating access token click on “HTTP access Token” and click on “Create token”
After clicking on “Create token” you will be able to see a token creation form, put a token name and click on the “create” button. Your token will be created.
N.B : After creating your access token you just copy that token one time. After continuing you will not be able to view this token again.
Step 3: Click Configure and connect the account
After providing all information, click the configure button. It will automatically connect it to the Bitbucket server and show this screen.
Step 4: Scan "Bitbucket Server Repos"
Once you are done, please click "Scan Application." and you will see your server's entire repository. You can easily select each or all your repositories and start scanning.
Last updated